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Attendance Policy

If your student is absent from school, we request their guardian call CTEC at 503-399-5513 or email Karen Garcia to excuse the absence.

In terms of attendance, a student is either present or absent. An excused absence is one which is approved by the principal or their designee in one of the following situations:

  • Illness of the student;
  • Serious illness in the family;
  • Religious instruction (with limitations per ORS.339.420;
  • Inclement weather;
  • Medical appointment or court appointment;
  • Emergency, pre-excused, or extenuating circumstances;
  • Students that are dependents of an Armed Forces Member of US on active duty.

An unexcused absence is one which is neither excused nor official, and may result in disciplinary action.

Absences must be excused by a student’s parent or guardian. In order to maintain student safety, the district must communicate directly with parents or guardians when discussing a student’s absence.